2014年 06月 16日
Appeal to Finnish Authorities
Dear Sir,
(1) please tell me why you’ve been denying the validity of the residence cards of an EU family member issued in Italy only because it’s in paper format. According to many Italian Immigration Offices, it should be valid in other Schengen countries, and therefore for us, family members of EU citizens these Immigration Offices won’t release the residence cards in uniform format. Moreover, the Italian residence card of an EU family member is valid in Europe even for experts of Europe Direct (http://europa.eu/europedirect/index_en.htm). According to them, family members of an EU citizen have ritght to move freely even with the residence card in paper format, because
1. “Regulation 1030/2002 (which lays down a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals) does not apply to third-country nationals who are family members of EU citizens who exercise their right to free movement.”
Europa Summaries of EU legislation – Uniform format for residence permits
This page says: “This Regulation does not apply to the following third-country nationals:the family members of EU citizens who exercise their right to free movement;”
2. The residence card of a family member of an EU citizen issued in Italy is listed as a valid document in Europe on the website of PRADO (Public Register of Authentic Identity and Travel Documents Online),
(The last one, ‘Carta di soggiorno’ is the residence card of a family member of an EU citizen).
If you still don’t consider the residence cards valid,
(2) please tell me which documents we Japanese, married to Italians and living in Italy, need to pass without problem the Finnish Border Control and the document control by personnel of Finnair at Japanese airports.
In the end if you consider the necessity of other documents for us other than those required according to the laws of European Union,
(3) please tell the related institutions (e.g. Embassy of Finland in Italy, Finnair etc.) to indicate the problems occurring to many Japanese passengers at the Finnish Border Control and at Japanese airports and specify clearly the documents they need to travel without problem as European Union law grants us.
No Japanese passengers wouldn’t have bought air tickets of Finnair, if they had known such information and I’m afraid that even now some Japanese family members of Italians continue to buy them only because they don’t know serious problems that they could face in future.
For there is no such information neither on the site of Embassy of Finland in Italy nor in that of Finnair.
1) Ambascita di Finlandia, Roma – Visto
“I cittadini di Paesi terzi, residenti in Italia, possono entrare in Finlandia con il permesso di soggiorno rilasciato dall'Italia, senza visto. “
It says in Italian that the citizens of third countries living in Italy can enter in Finland with the permit of stay released by Italy without visa.
So there is no mention of the invalidity of the residence card of an EU family member in paper format issued by Italy and of other necessary documents.
2) Finnair (the same information in English, Italian and Japanese)
“Finnair – Information and services – Planning your trip – Travel documents
At various points during your journey you will be required to prove your identity with a valid travel document. Different countries and regions may require different types of travel documents. Many countries require that your passport is valid for three to six months after your trip has ended. A visa may also be required for your destination and/or your transit station. To find out about the requirements, contact the nearest embassy of your destination country.”
Even here I find no information about the problems that the Japanese passengers could face and about the necessary documents that you say are necessary.”
Ever since I consulted information about Finnair, I often see its advertisements on my PC, even though I have no intention of using the airline company until I’m sure that I won’t have any problem flying with it. I think it is the same for many Japanese, family members of Italians and for Italians whose family members are Japanese. So if you know the existence of the problems at Border Control, please put such information clearly on the site of Finnair as well as on that of the Embassy of Finland in Italy. Can it be your own negligence of such notification that has been causing many problems at you Border Control and creating many victims?
Thank you in advance for your time and effort. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.
PS. Here are the answers of Europe Direct in English and Italian:
Oggetto: Domanda a La tua Europa - Consulenza n. 148884 04/06/2014 18:14
Da: youreuropeadvice-allocations@ec.europa.eu
Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting Your Europe Advice.
The European Union has introduced a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals. Regulation 1030/2002 laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals sets out the general characteristics of the uniform format. According to the Regulation, biometric identifiers are used in the residence permits to verify the authenticity of the document and the identity of the third-country national in question. The identifiers consist of a facial image (photograph) and two fingerprints.
Regulation 1030/2002 does not apply to third-country nationals who are family members of EU citizens who exercise their right to free movement.
We are not aware whether your Italian residence permit has been issued pursuant to the Italian national immigration rules or the EU free movement rules. However, as you are married to an Italian and reside in Italy, it appears that your spouse is not exercising his EU right to free movement, and that your family member s residence permit has thus been issued pursuant to the Italian immigration rules rather than the EU free movement rules. If this is the case, the format requirements laid down in Regulation 1030/2002 apply to your Italian residence permit. Consequently, if your Italian residence permit does not fulfill the requirements laid down in Regulation 1030/2002, we would advice you to contact the Italian authorities again and request a new residence permit which fulfills the requirements of EU Regulation 1030/2002.
If, however, your spouse has exercised her EU right to free movement and your Italian residence permit has been issued pursuant to the EU rules on free movement (in which case the words Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen should be stated on your residence card), we would advice you to contact the Passport and Visa Unit of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and complain about the practices at the Finnish border. You can contact the Passport and Visa Unit by email at visas.passports@formin.fi. For further clarifications, you may also wish to contact the Embassy of Finland in Italy. For the contact details of the Embassy, please see http://www.finland.it/Public/Default.aspx.
For more details about Regulation 1030/2002 laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals, please see http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/justice_freedom_security/free_movement_of_persons_asylum_immigration/l33043_en.htm, and http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2002:157:0001:0007:EN:PDF.
We hope this answers your enquiry, and remain at your disposal should you require further information.
Per inviare un'altra domanda, la invitiamo a tornare al sito La tua Europa - Consulenza. Si prega di non rispondere a questa e-mail.
La sua domanda era la seguente:
Phone query:I am a Japanese citizen married with an Italian. When coming back from Japan to Italy, I had problems with the Finnish authorities who didn't accept my family member residence permit issued by Italy, as it was issued on paper. However, I checked with the Italian authorities who assured me that the paper document is completely valid. What should I do? Did the Finnish authorities had the right do not accept that document? I know that also several other Japanese spouses has some problems with Finnish authorities (when arriving to Finland) and sometimes already in Japan at the airport (where the Finnair crew doesn't allow them to board).
Distinti saluti,
La tua Europa - Consulenza
Oggetto: [Case_ID: 0908913 / 9026791]
Family members of Union citizens Rifused entry to EU countries 02/06/2014 13:26
Da: Europe Direct (citizen_reply@edcc.ec.europa.eu)
Gentile Signora Ishii,
La ringraziamo per il suo messaggio.
In base alle informazioni contenute nel suo messaggio comprendiamo che il permesso di soggiorno sia stato rilasciato in base alla legislazione italiana, non quella dell’UE. Nonostante ciò, per viaggiare all’interno dei paesi dell’area Schengen il consorte di un cittadino di un paese dell’UE deve essere in possesso del suo passaporto e di un permesso di soggiorno rilasciato da un paese dell’area Schengen. Maggiori informazioni sui permessi di soggiorno rilasciati dall’Italia e validi all’interno dell’UE sono disponibili nella banca dati PRADO:
Per maggiori informazioni la invitiamo a contattare il punto di contatto nazionale in Italia:
Per quanto riguarda il negato imbarco la informiamo, che i passeggeri si vedono a volte negare l'imbarco a causa di errori da parte del personale di terra durante il controllo dei loro documenti di viaggio. Anche quando simili incidenti potessero essere considerati come essendo stati compiuti in buona fede, un passeggero con documentazione valida cui fosse negato l'imbarco, sarebbe soggetto ai provvedimenti del Regolamento.
Secondo l'Articolo 2 del Regolamento dell'Unione europea sui diritti dei passeggeri aerei (Regolamento 261/2004)*, che stabilisce regole uniformi di risarcimento e assistenza ai passeggeri nei casi di negato imbarco, cancellazione del volo o ritardo prolungato, negato imbarco significa:
"il rifiuto di trasportare passeggeri su un volo sebbene i medesimi si siano presentati all'imbarco nel rispetto delle condizioni di cui all'articolo 3, paragrafo 2,salvo se vi sono ragionevoli motivi per negare loro l'imbarco,quali ad esempio motivi di salute o di sicurezza ovvero documenti di viaggio inadeguati;"
Informazioni utili in merito sono disponibili sul sito web del servizio responsabile della Commissione europea (la direzione generale - DG - della Mobilità e dei trasporti) (disponibile soltanto in inglese):
Considerato che gli Stati membri sono responsabili del controllo e del rispetto del regolamento nei casi individuali tra i passeggeri e le compagnie aeree, la Commissione considera che dovrebbe intervenire solo se vi è un campione di casi dimostranti che uno Stato membro non riesce a far rispettare il regolamento 261/2004.
Se ha subìto un negato imbarco, dovrebbe innanzitutto inviare un reclamo alla compagnia aerea. Se questa non rispetta le sue obbligazioni, dovrebbe inviare il reclamo all'organismo nazionale designato, NEB (dello Stato membro dove il problema si è verificato o nello Stato membro d'arrivo per i voli provenienti dall'esterno dell'UE). I NEB sono organismi designati dalle autorità nazionali al fine di assicurare l'applicazione ed il rispetto del Regolamento nel loro territorio e sono responsabili per l'esame dei reclami relativi all'episodio avvenuto. Dovrebbe sapere, tuttavia, che la loro valutazione non è legalmente vincolante. I contatti degli NEB sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo:
n entrambi i casi potrà utilizzare il formulario di rapporto UE (EU Complaint Form) che è disponibile alla pagina menzionata della DG della Mobilità e dei trasporti.[...]
Ci auguriamo che queste informazioni possano esserle di aiuto. La preghiamo di contattarci nuovamente in caso avesse ulteriori domande.
Distinti saluti,
L'unità "Diritti dei Passeggeri" / Il Centro di contatto EUROPE DIRECT
Clausola di non responsabilità
La preghiamo di notare che le informazioni fornite da EUROPE DIRECT non sono giuridicamente vincolanti.
Date: Friday, 30/05/2014 22:12:41
From: "Naoko Ishii"
Subject: [Case_ID: 908913 / 9026791] Family members of Union citizens Rifused entry to EU countries
Recently many Japanese women married to Italians, although they are travelling with their passports and their EU family member’s residence cards issued in Italy, have been rejected in different countries (Japan & EU Schengen countries like Finland, Netherlands, Spain) by personnel of airports.
For example, a Japanese woman, who was going to return to Italy with her Italian husband and their children, were rejected at Nagoya Airport by personnel of Finnair, who told her that there was a problem in her EU family member’s residence card. According to the personnel of Finnair, the problem is that the residence card issued by Italy is in paper format and easy to falsificate. And in all other cases rifusals are due to the same reason, even though from information of your site they could move without problem only with their EU family member’s residence cards issued in Italy. These cases have been often discussed among Japanese communities in Italy. Almost all cases regard Finnair, by which Japnese wives returned to their country.
Because of these problems, many of them requested to Italian Immigration offices to release them a new EU family member’s residence card made by plastic material, but in most cases Italian institutions refuse, saying that the residence card in paper format should be valid in other EU Schengen countries.
So my question is: who is right? Should other EU Schenghen countries consent the entry of EU family members with the residence card in paper format or should Italian authorities make EU family member’s residence card by plastic?
Anyway, could you, authorities of EU, gently tell those who are wrong to change their attitudes so that we, EU family members, can move freely within Schenghen Area without problem as the laws says?
Thank you.
↑ La email che ho inviato alle autorità findandesi per i chiarimenti della questione il 14 giugno 2014 / フィンランド外務省のパスポート・ビザ係と国境警備に6月14日にわたしが直接問い合わせたメールの文面です。
関連記事へのリンク / Link agli articoli correlati
- EU市民の家族用滞在証 / Carta di soggiorno per famiriare di cittadino UE (27/6/2012)
- 紙の滞在証でも入国の権利あり / Risposta da Euro Direct circa la Validità della Carta di soggiorno per familiare di cittadino UE cartacea in altri Paesi Schengen (3/6/2014)
- フィンエアー問題中間報告 (14/6/2014)
- それでもイタリアなワケ NEW! in トスカーナ - フィンランド大使館のお返事 (2014/6/13)
- EU市民の家族とシェンゲン協定1 / Familiari di cittadino UE e Accordi di Schengen 1 (22/6/2014)
↑ ”Risolta la questione circa l’accettazione della Carta di soggiorno italiana per familiare cittadino UE con l’aggiornamento Annex 22” – così dice una email da Finnair ad una mia lettrice / フィンエアーから「イタリアの滞在許可書の承認に関する問題は、国境警備シェンゲン手引きのAnnex 22を訂正することで解決したと、フィンランド民局から確証を得た」と読者の方に連絡あり。
- EU市民の家族とシェンゲン協定2 / Familiari di cittadino UE e Accordi di Schengen 2 (23/6/2014)
- それでもイタリアなワケ NEW! in トスカーナ - フィンランド問題 最終報告 (2014/6/24)
- フィンランド国境警備からの返事、紙でも大丈夫 / Risposta - Tipi di carta e permesso di soggiorno cartacei accettati dalla Guardia di Frontiera Finlandese (25/6/2014)
法律やEurope Directの返事も添付してあり、こちらの言っていることの裏付けがあるので、ただ個人が訴えているだけとはとられないと思います。なんでできないんだ~!という理由だけではなく、他にどんな書類があれば何事もなく通れるのかということに、なんと返事をしてくるのか楽しみです。
どういたしまして。フィンエアーへの通達はフィンランド当局から届いたものであることに間違いないと思いますので、きっとご無事に通過できることと思います。権利があって費用を払って飛行機を利用しているというのに、こんな心配や手間がかかるとは、本当に困ったことですよね。どうかよい旅を! 久しぶりの日本滞在を十分に楽しんでくださいね。